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River Card

I had a funny flashback
one that threw me of track
then eventually realized something
events turned to regrets that kept me wondering

What in hell did I get myself into
Did I do what I was supposed to
Why do i feel like I’m missing a part
a part that somebody tore apart!

I had her body all for myself
believed I was the man!! the king!! but I really need help!!
I always thought of happiness hoping never to regret..
but at times of our down fall we wish to forget..

Yes I am tired of waiting and taking that risk
Loosing patience fast and wanting everything to be brisk!!
Maybe that’s why this small muscle within us is strong and hard
like poker in life we take chances..til we see that river card..

River Card– the Last Card dealt in a poker hand
-by Kyle Benedict H. Parco

Above is my cousin Kuya Kirby’s poem about the River card in poker. I definitely gave two thumbs up while reading his poem. Everything seems stagnant when we play poker. Until the flop, turn and the river comes in action and everyone shouts out loud inside their wits. All eyes and heart in the final judgment the river card.

My cousin is definitely poetic and artistic since I’ve read some of his writings, drawings and paintings in the past twelve years of my existence. Kuya Shakespeare, that is what I’ll call him now. Poetic lines from his fingers can make your nose bleed a river.

Especially when I play Texas Hold’em Poker, attention is on cards and faces. Bet and hope you would win. It seems cash is your best friend. Everything will change when you see the river card and someone will smile in happiness and frowns in anger because of the the faulty decisions. We are definitely addicted to this game. Sleeping almost two in the morning just playing classic Poker in cash games.

Mamba everyone! The river card is flopped and someone just hit the staggering home run. All in! Some will fold, some will call and that’s what we call Poker.

Maybe that’s why this small muscle within us is strong and hard
like poker in life we take chances..til we see that river card..

Like Poker in life we take chances…Till we see the river card. Poker=Life=Roller coaster ride. Special thanks to my cousin Kuya Kirby or Kyle or Shakespeare for allowing me to review his note in Facebook about Poker.

Shuffle up and deal

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