
Posts Tagged ‘friends’

Starting out the day right wearing respective t-shirts for each club with nice statements and colors. Everyone was excited with their smiles that reached their ears and guitars strumming to the beat of Love Story and You Belong to Me. Rushing to our specific area in the covered court.

Students in different shirts attended the mass early morning. Nice mass indeed with Fr. Jonathan Sarcon. Then continued with the swarm of people cheering and screaming loudly with pride with their own clubs. Students tried to knock the roof out of the building, but I guess the program for the Clubs’ Day is just not that nice with Maam Macaway’s stupid control on the day’s program. Chyea! Yet we had real fun playing the guitars.

We then ate lunch in St. Mark’s room. My room! Haha.

Puryagaba nga isagatos!

Just an opinion, freedom of speech. I didn’t like the viand Sisig and grilled chicken. But at least it filled my hungry stomach and satisfied my appetite then again sang songs like My Heroine with amateur background strings. We then played games like Dodge Ball, classic Bagoongay *correct me if I’m wrong* and Dragon Tail. We had so much fun but exhausted ankles then waited for some people to rush back to their classrooms. So when I arrived at the classroom I heard loud acoustics. We sang and sang then we practiced for our assembly this coming Tuesday.

Waaa! We ran hurriedly to go Gem’s house. Right now I’m at their house. I will turn around and….

Birthday na nako! LOL

Been wondering, Is there a class on Monday?!?. Gotta go and play DoTA with Gem. Wonder what will be the result? What’s that I heard,GODLIKE. Haha. Ciao!

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